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Direction REVERSIBLE +
Ec number EC- +
Gene associated G8363.t1 + , G6919.t1 + , G8330.t1 + , G15737.t1 + , G15530.t1 + , G12606.t3 + , G13969.t1 + , G17150.t1 + , G4935.t4 + , G9612.t1 + , G15529.t1 + , G10942.t1 + , G10032.t1 + , G11192.t1 + , G14267.t1 + , G17157.t1 + , G3698.t2 + , G17468.t1 + , G14696.t2 + , G6263.t3 + , G6263.t4 + , G15552.t1 + , G4445.t1 + , G6263.t2 + , G14059.t1 + , G15553.t1 + , G6263.t1 + , G14696.t1 + , G17401.t1 + , G12606.t2 + , G7552.t1 + , G14294.t1 + , G9352.t1 + , G4935.t1 + , G4265.t1 + , G17551.t1 + , G13306.t1 + , G3698.t1 + , G16180.t1 + , G9020.t1 + , G14290.t1 + , G4935.t2 + , G17149.t1 + , G14291.t1 + , G14268.t1 + , G18055.t1 + , G6735.t1 + , G11296.t1 + , G15528.t1 + , G13121.t1 + , G15272.t1 + , G14269.t1 + , G11291.t1 + , G17407.t1 + , G9138.t1 + , G9611.t1 + , G12606.t1 + , G4935.t3 + , G9609.t1 + , G15529.t3 + , G4422.t1 + , G10031.t1 + , G15529.t2 + , G11803.t1 + , G14707.t1 + , G14265.t1 + , G12763.t1 + , G9615.t1 + , G15271.t1 +
Reconstruction category Orthology +
Reconstruction source Orthology-saccharina japonica + , Orthology-ectocarpus siliculosus +
Reconstruction tool Pantograph +
Categories Reaction
Modification date
"Modification date" is a predefined property that corresponds to the date of the last modification of a subject and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.
09:47:39, 27 June 2019  +
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G10031.t1 + , G10032.t1 + , G10942.t1 + , G11192.t1 + , G11291.t1 + , G11296.t1 + , G11803.t1 + , G12606.t1 + , G12606.t2 + , G12606.t3 + , G12763.t1 + , G13121.t1 + , G13306.t1 + , G13969.t1 + , G14059.t1 + , G14265.t1 + , G14267.t1 + , G14268.t1 + , G14269.t1 + , G14290.t1 + ... Reaction associated
CPD-12980 + , Pectin + Reversible reaction associated