Difference between revisions of "PWY-5994"

From metabolic_network
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(Created page with "Category:Pathway == Pathway [http://metacyc.org/META/NEW-IMAGE?object=PWY-5994 PWY-5994] == * taxonomic range: ** [http://metacyc.org/META/NEW-IMAGE?object=TAX-33154 TAX-3...")
Line 18: Line 18:
* [[]]
* [[]]
** 16 associated gene(s):
** 16 associated gene(s):
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ10275]]
*** [[SJ10275]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
** 1 reconstruction source(s) associated:
** 1 reconstruction source(s) associated:
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
* [[]]
* [[]]
** 16 associated gene(s):
** 16 associated gene(s):
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ10275]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ10275]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
** 2 reconstruction source(s) associated:
** 2 reconstruction source(s) associated:
*** [[orthology-nannochloropsis_salina]]
*** [[orthology-nannochloropsis_salina]]
Line 59: Line 59:
* [[]]
* [[]]
** 16 associated gene(s):
** 16 associated gene(s):
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ10275]]
*** [[SJ10275]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
** 1 reconstruction source(s) associated:
** 1 reconstruction source(s) associated:
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
Line 86: Line 86:
* [[RXN-9514]]
* [[RXN-9514]]
** 16 associated gene(s):
** 16 associated gene(s):
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ04229]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ04229]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
** 2 reconstruction source(s) associated:
** 2 reconstruction source(s) associated:
*** [[orthology-ectocarpus_siliculosus]]
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
*** [[orthology-ectocarpus_siliculosus]]
* [[RXN-9515]]
* [[RXN-9515]]
** 15 associated gene(s):
** 15 associated gene(s):
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
** 1 reconstruction source(s) associated:
** 1 reconstruction source(s) associated:
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
* [[RXN-9518]]
* [[RXN-9518]]
** 16 associated gene(s):
** 16 associated gene(s):
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ04229]]
*** [[SJ04229]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
** 2 reconstruction source(s) associated:
** 2 reconstruction source(s) associated:
*** [[orthology-ectocarpus_siliculosus]]
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
*** [[orthology-ectocarpus_siliculosus]]
* [[RXN-9520]]
* [[RXN-9520]]
** 16 associated gene(s):
** 16 associated gene(s):
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ10275]]
*** [[SJ10275]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
** 1 reconstruction source(s) associated:
** 1 reconstruction source(s) associated:
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
* [[RXN-9521]]
* [[RXN-9521]]
** 15 associated gene(s):
** 15 associated gene(s):
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
** 1 reconstruction source(s) associated:
** 1 reconstruction source(s) associated:
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
* [[RXN-9524]]
* [[RXN-9524]]
** 18 associated gene(s):
** 18 associated gene(s):
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ15785]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ12149]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ04229]]
*** [[SJ04229]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ12149]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ15785]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
** 3 reconstruction source(s) associated:
** 3 reconstruction source(s) associated:
*** [[orthology-ectocarpus_siliculosus]]
*** [[orthology-nannochloropsis_salina]]
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
*** [[orthology-nannochloropsis_salina]]
*** [[orthology-ectocarpus_siliculosus]]
* [[RXN-9526]]
* [[RXN-9526]]
** 15 associated gene(s):
** 15 associated gene(s):
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
** 1 reconstruction source(s) associated:
** 1 reconstruction source(s) associated:
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
Line 230: Line 230:
** 18 associated gene(s):
** 18 associated gene(s):
*** [[SJ15785]]
*** [[SJ15785]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ12149]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ04229]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ12149]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ04229]]
** 3 reconstruction source(s) associated:
** 3 reconstruction source(s) associated:
*** [[orthology-ectocarpus_siliculosus]]
*** [[orthology-nannochloropsis_salina]]
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
*** [[orthology-nannochloropsis_salina]]
*** [[orthology-ectocarpus_siliculosus]]
* [[RXN-9530]]
* [[RXN-9530]]
** 15 associated gene(s):
** 15 associated gene(s):
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
** 1 reconstruction source(s) associated:
** 1 reconstruction source(s) associated:
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
* [[RXN-9532]]
* [[RXN-9532]]
** 16 associated gene(s):
** 16 associated gene(s):
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ04229]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ04229]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
** 2 reconstruction source(s) associated:
** 2 reconstruction source(s) associated:
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
*** [[orthology-ectocarpus_siliculosus]]
*** [[orthology-ectocarpus_siliculosus]]
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
* [[RXN-9533]]
* [[RXN-9533]]
** 16 associated gene(s):
** 16 associated gene(s):
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ10275]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ10275]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
** 1 reconstruction source(s) associated:
** 1 reconstruction source(s) associated:
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
* [[RXN-9534]]
* [[RXN-9534]]
** 15 associated gene(s):
** 15 associated gene(s):
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
** 1 reconstruction source(s) associated:
** 1 reconstruction source(s) associated:
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
* [[RXN-9536]]
* [[RXN-9536]]
** 18 associated gene(s):
** 18 associated gene(s):
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ04229]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ15785]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ04229]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ15785]]
*** [[SJ12149]]
*** [[SJ12149]]
** 3 reconstruction source(s) associated:
** 3 reconstruction source(s) associated:
*** [[orthology-ectocarpus_siliculosus]]
*** [[orthology-nannochloropsis_salina]]
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
*** [[orthology-nannochloropsis_salina]]
*** [[orthology-ectocarpus_siliculosus]]
* [[RXN-9537]]
* [[RXN-9537]]
** 16 associated gene(s):
** 16 associated gene(s):
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ10275]]
*** [[SJ10275]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
** 2 reconstruction source(s) associated:
** 2 reconstruction source(s) associated:
*** [[orthology-nannochloropsis_salina]]
*** [[orthology-nannochloropsis_salina]]
Line 378: Line 378:
** 15 associated gene(s):
** 15 associated gene(s):
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
** 1 reconstruction source(s) associated:
** 1 reconstruction source(s) associated:
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
* [[RXN-9540]]
* [[RXN-9540]]
** 16 associated gene(s):
** 16 associated gene(s):
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ04229]]
*** [[SJ04229]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
** 2 reconstruction source(s) associated:
** 2 reconstruction source(s) associated:
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
*** [[orthology-ectocarpus_siliculosus]]
*** [[orthology-ectocarpus_siliculosus]]
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
* [[RXN-9542]]
* [[RXN-9542]]
** 15 associated gene(s):
** 15 associated gene(s):
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
** 1 reconstruction source(s) associated:
** 1 reconstruction source(s) associated:
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
Line 440: Line 440:
* [[RXN-9648]]
* [[RXN-9648]]
** 17 associated gene(s):
** 17 associated gene(s):
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ00005]]
*** [[SJ00005]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ15984]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ15984]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
** 2 reconstruction source(s) associated:
** 2 reconstruction source(s) associated:
*** [[orthology-ectocarpus_siliculosus]]
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
*** [[orthology-ectocarpus_siliculosus]]
* [[RXN-9650]]
* [[RXN-9650]]
** 17 associated gene(s):
** 17 associated gene(s):
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ00005]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ15984]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ00005]]
*** [[SJ15984]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
** 2 reconstruction source(s) associated:
** 2 reconstruction source(s) associated:
*** [[orthology-ectocarpus_siliculosus]]
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
*** [[orthology-ectocarpus_siliculosus]]
* [[RXN-9651]]
* [[RXN-9651]]
** 17 associated gene(s):
** 17 associated gene(s):
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ00005]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ00005]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ15984]]
*** [[SJ15984]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
** 2 reconstruction source(s) associated:
** 2 reconstruction source(s) associated:
*** [[orthology-ectocarpus_siliculosus]]
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
*** [[orthology-ectocarpus_siliculosus]]
* [[RXN-9652]]
* [[RXN-9652]]
** 17 associated gene(s):
** 17 associated gene(s):
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ00005]]
*** [[SJ00005]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ15984]]
*** [[SJ15984]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
** 2 reconstruction source(s) associated:
** 2 reconstruction source(s) associated:
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
*** [[orthology-ectocarpus_siliculosus]]
*** [[orthology-ectocarpus_siliculosus]]
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
* [[RXN-9653]]
* [[RXN-9653]]
** 17 associated gene(s):
** 17 associated gene(s):
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ00005]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ00005]]
*** [[SJ15984]]
*** [[SJ15984]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
** 2 reconstruction source(s) associated:
** 2 reconstruction source(s) associated:
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
*** [[orthology-ectocarpus_siliculosus]]
*** [[orthology-ectocarpus_siliculosus]]
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
* [[RXN-9654]]
* [[RXN-9654]]
** 17 associated gene(s):
** 17 associated gene(s):
*** [[SJ00005]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ00005]]
*** [[SJ15984]]
*** [[SJ15984]]
** 2 reconstruction source(s) associated:
** 2 reconstruction source(s) associated:
*** [[orthology-ectocarpus_siliculosus]]
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
*** [[orthology-ectocarpus_siliculosus]]
* [[RXN-9655]]
* [[RXN-9655]]
** 16 associated gene(s):
** 16 associated gene(s):
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ19629]]
*** [[SJ10275]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ06616]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ10624]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ06944]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ18059]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ17743]]
*** [[SJ10275]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ03883]]
*** [[SJ11672]]
*** [[SJ15983]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ06617]]
*** [[SJ04769]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ00613]]
*** [[SJ00320]]
*** [[SJ13014]]
*** [[SJ04443]]
** 1 reconstruction source(s) associated:
** 1 reconstruction source(s) associated:
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]
*** [[annotation-saccharina_japonica_genome]]

Latest revision as of 10:57, 10 January 2019

Pathway PWY-5994

  • taxonomic range:
  • common name:
    • palmitate biosynthesis I (animals and fungi)
  • Synonym(s):
    • palmitic acid biosynthesis
    • de novo lipogenesis

Reaction(s) found

31 reactions found over 31 reactions in the full pathway

Reaction(s) not found

External links