Biomass LPL60
From metabolic_network
Reaction biomass_LPL60
- direction:
- Synonym(s):
Reaction Formula
- With identifiers:
- 0.0002 udcpdp[c] + 1.8e-05 clpn_LPL[c] + 27.2 atp[c] + 0.01378 RTAglc[c] + 0.000625 pg_LPL[c] + 0.00243 PROT_LPL_v60[c] + 1e-05 mocogdp[c] + 1e-05 thmpp[c] + 0.1462 PGlac2[c] + 0.000164 lyspg_LPL[c] + 27.2 h2o[c] + 1e-05 thf[c] + 0.002784 RNA_LPL[c] + 0.00013 LTA_LPL[c] + 0.1294 CPS_LPL2[c] + 1e-05 btn[c] + 0.000617 DNA_LPL[c] + 0.0002 coa[c] + 1e-06 pydx5p[c] + 0.002 nad[c] => 27.2 h[c] + 27.2 adp[c] + 27.2 pi[c]
- With common name(s):
Genes associated with this reaction
Reconstruction information
- Category: manual