From metabolic_network
[hide]Reaction FAS140
- direction:
- common name:
- Fatty acid synthase n C140
- Synonym(s):
Reaction Formula
- With identifiers:
- With common name(s):
- 3.0 H+[c] + 2.0 Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate - reduced[c] + 1.0 Malonyl CoA C24H33N7O19P3S[c] + 1.0 Dodecanoate (n-C12:0)[c] => 1.0 Tetradecanoate (n-C14:0)[c] + 1.0 H2O H2O[c] + 1.0 CO2 CO2[c] + 1.0 Coenzyme A[c] + 2.0 Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate[c]
Genes associated with this reaction
- map01100: map01100
- 460 reactions found over 2349 reactions in the full pathway
- map00061: map00061
- 65 reactions found over 160 reactions in the full pathway
Reconstruction information
- Category: gap-filling
- Source: gap-filling-gapfilling_solution_with_meneco_draft_medium
- Tool: meneco
- Comment: added for gapfilling
- Tool: meneco
- Source: gap-filling-gapfilling_solution_with_meneco_draft_medium
External links
- MetaNetX (MNX) Equation : MNXR99390
- EC Number :