HEMAT2 manual
From metabolic_network
[hide]Reaction HEMAT2_manual
- direction:
- Synonym(s):
Reaction Formula
- With identifiers:
- With common name(s):
- 1.0 Trans-Hex-2-enoyl-CoA[c] + 1.0 H+[c] + 1.0 Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide - reduced[c] => 1.0 Hexanoyl-ACP (n-C6:0ACP)[c] + 1.0 Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide[c]
Genes associated with this reaction
Genes have been associated with this reaction based on different elements listed below.
- Gene: EF0282
- Source: manual-4_newreactions
Reconstruction information
- Category: manual
- Source: manual-4_newreactions
- Comment: manual curation
- Source: manual-4_newreactions