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Common name Pyrimidine metabolism +
Completion rate 28.0 +
Reaction found 68 +
Total reaction 244 +
Categories Pathway
Modification date
"Modification date" is a predefined property that corresponds to the date of the last modification of a subject and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.
14:15:06, 21 March 2018  +
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ASPCT + , CBPS + , CSND + , CTPS1 + , CTPS2 + , CYTD + , CYTDK1 + , CYTDK2 + , CYTK1 + , CYTK2 + , DCTPD + , DCYTD + , DHORTS + , DTMPK + , DURAD + , DURIK1 + , DURIPP + , DUTPDP + , ITCY + , MCSNAH + ... In pathway
B471 RS0100130 + , B471 RS0100760 + , B471 RS0100890 + , B471 RS0100900 + , B471 RS0101025 + , B471 RS0101570 + , B471 RS0101685 + , B471 RS0103590 + , B471 RS0107285 + , B471 RS0107495 + , B471 RS0109085 + , B471 RS0109090 + , B471 RS0109095 + , B471 RS0109100 + , B471 RS0109105 + , B471 RS0109120 + , B471 RS0109125 + , B471 RS0110140 + , B471 RS0110635 + , B471 RS0110685 + ... Pathway associated
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